Parents more often start to over think when their child has
uneven teeth. Undoubtedly, Invisalign braces Washington
is the perfect solution to get the uneven teeth in place just in a few years.
However, parents wonder “what is the perfect time to get the braces” because
sometimes braces can impart child a painful experience for a few days and also,
they require time to feel comfortable with it. Here is a guide for parents on
what is the right time to get the braces done. Take a glimpse:
Inspection of the problem
There are different problems in relation to teeth which
require instalment of braces for a short or a long run. Hence, an inspection of
the problem is quite significant. Cosmetic dentist
Arlington mentions “by the age 7, the teeth problem probably get full
development and are easy to inspect.” Hence, 7 years is a perfect age for your
son/daughter to visit the nearby dentist. The problems may include—overcrowded
teeth which result in pain in jaw muscles, open bites which result in upper
teeth and front teeth are not growing subsequently, overbites in which upper
front teeth grow up to the lower gums, and underbites in which the lower front
teeth grow up to the upper gums. Orthodontist suggests the right solution after
inspecting the problem with the teeth. Even though you are unsure if your
child’s teeth have any real growth issue, orthodontists are there to confirm.
Phases of treatment: I and II
There are two kinds of treatment for imbalance or uneven
teeth: intervention and comprehensive treatments. Intervention is the phase I
where the teeth are still developing. It is only recommendable for a child
between the age of 6 and 10. Phase I is usually suggested for children with
overbites, cross bites and other oral problems. Phase I treatment allows the regular
growth of teeth while controlling their overgrowth simultaneously.
Phase II of teeth treatment is called comprehensive and it
is only applicable for children with age over 10, mostly between 11 and 15
because by this age, their teeth are grown and permanent. Phase II is the right
time for braces installation. In a few cases, early intervention is also
suggested. For instance, if your child has upper bites easily noticeable at the
age of 3, thus, he/she may require intervention by the age 4.
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